Cine Club

The institution is nearing 6 decades. It has produced many stalwarts. The college is one among the best in the state. Students in and around the district want to be Kandar’s product.

The institution aims and centres students’ community alone. With eminent administration and teachers the college has brought many laurels to its credit.

Students are always motivated and encouraged to develop their talents and skills apart from their syllabus. Since many committee and clubs in the college successfully support the students in this motto, Cine Club is one among them.

Cine Club comprises of 8 members including a technician and an assistant and one student representative. The club with full swing works throughout the academic year to portray short films such as historical, social and cultural.

Students are engaged in their free hours and also in the scheduled time of 3pm to 4pm without disturbing their regular classes.

The motto of the club is to initiate students’ innovative and creative skills. This has been gradually find out and developed in them.

Cine Club
Cine Club
Cine Club
Cine Club
Cine Club
Cine Club
Cine Club
Cine Club