Awareness Programme on Health and Hygiene

A special awareness programme on health and hygiene was conducted by the women development cell, Kandaswami Kandar’s College on 01.02.2018 at College Auditorium. Dr. K.P. Indira Muthukumar was the chief guest of this programme, she addressed issues of personal healthcare, hygiene and prevention of illness, menstrual problems and overcoming the anaemia and menstrual hygiene etc., she also stressed that the urgent need for both adolescent girls and boys are programmes, which help deal with their own wellbeing, their health bodies and their sexual lives.

Dr. P. Shanthi, co-ordinator of the women development cell Kandaswami Kandar’s College, welcomed the gathering. The Principal Dr.N.Thangaraj delivered the presidential address. Dr.P. Thamizhchelvi member (WDC) introduced the Chief guest and Dr. N. Thilagam member (WDC) gave the vote of thanks.

Awareness Programme on Health and H...
Awareness Programme on Health and H...
Awareness Programme on Health and H...
Awareness Programme on Health and H...